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Resep Pennylane’s Chocolate Cookies Chewy & Mantap

Cookies resep mbak Riana ini enaak banget. Chewy dan nyoklat banget. Aku pernah nyoba dengan menghilangkan kopi dan white chocolate chipsnya, ternyata kurang nendang. Memang kudu dicampur semua bahan-bahannya untuk bisa menghasilkan rasa chocolate chewy cookies yang mantap!

Awal mencoba resep ini, aku tak kunjung bisa membuat bentuk cookies ini yang bagus seperti yang ada di blognya mbak Riana… hu hu hu. Kalau mau lihat cookies-ku yang gagal, lihat aja di sini, hiks hiks. Setelah berkali-kali membuat, akhirnya aku bisa juga membuat penampilan Cookies ini sempurnaaa … Tipsnya buat yang masih gagal, bisa dilihat di sini

Resep Pennylane’s Chocolate Cookies


60 grams cake flour (low protein flour)
1 teaspoon baking powder
450 grams bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
60 grams unsalted butter atau margarin
250 gram gula putih
4 telur, suhu ruang
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 gram instant coffee powder (2 sachet @ 2 grams), larutkan dengan sedikit air hangat
1 sendok makan pure vanilla extract
175 gram semisweet dark chocolate chips
175 gram white chocolate chips
200 gram kacang mede, atau kacang almond atau kacang kenari

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  • Mix together the flour and baking powder. Set aside. Melt the chocolate and butter/margarine in a stainless steel bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside.
  • In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the sugar, eggs and salt until pale yellow and thick, about 5 minutes. Beat in the melted chocolate mixture, coffee and vanilla extract. Sift the flour mixture above the batter and fold it in. Mix only until incorporated. Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate the batter until firm, about 30-60 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 170-180 degrees Celcius and place rack in center of oven. Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mat. Using ice cream scoop, small or medium –whatever you prefer, scoop and drop batter onto prepared cookie sheets, spacing evenly. With moist fingers, press batter a little bit.
  • Bake cookies about 10 – 12 minutes or until the tops of the cookies become dry and cracked, but are still shiny. Do not overbake these cookies.
  • Remove from oven and place baking pan on a wire rack to cool. When cookies are firm, remove from baking pan and let completely cool on rack.
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Original source: Joy of Baking
Modified Recipe and Photo by: Riana Ambarsari

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By Ferona

A Blogger, Lazy Gardener and Baking-Blues Baker ^_^


  • Owalah .. dimakan aja Ni … atau kalau mau dipanggang lagi sampai kering, hati-hati gosong. Tapinya si cookies jadi gak chewy, tapi jadi garing gitu sih …

  • Yaaaahhh…mbaakkkk….aku udh buat bnyk kmrn buat lebaran, huhuhuhu

  • Mbak, kalo cookies yg tipenya chewy gini bisa tahan brp lama ya di toples?

  • Mbak aku kali bikin cookies kok bisa ngembang ga karu2an ya….kenapa kira2??hehe
    sama kemaren aku nyoba bikin cheese cake tapi kok atasnya bisa kering gitu ya bawahnya sih fine2 aja

  • Dear Mbak Riana,

    Seneng banget bisa nemu blog ini, jd pengen buruan coba resep2nya.

    Btw, udah pernah coba bikin chocolate muffin yang rasanya mirip kayak yang di jual di seven eleven gak mbak ?

    Kalo ada aku juga mau belajar dong, hehehe

    Thanks for sharing ya mbak….


  • salam mbak,
    aku dah coba pennylane’s chocolate cookies nya. barangkali kocokan telornya kurang lama, jadinya mbleber kemana2, walhasil cookies ku jd gede lebar gt. dan ga pake white choco chip, tapi rasanya nyoklat bgt. . . yummy. . . trims resepnya ya mbak. . . .

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